What We Do | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
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The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. Through strategic communications and policy advocacy campaigns, we promote the adoption of proven solutions that are most effective at reducing tobacco use and save the most lives.

We are passionate and experienced public health advocates with a more than 20-year track record of leading and supporting successful policy advocacy campaigns:

  • In the United States, we work at the national, state and local levels.
  • Around the world, we are active in low- and middle-income countries facing the greatest threat from tobacco.
  • In addition to our work fighting tobacco use, our Global Health Advocacy Incubator applies our broad range of advocacy experience to supporting organizations working to address other critical public health challenges.
Tobacco by the Numbers

480,000+: Annual tobacco-related deaths in U.S.

$241.4 billion: Annual tobacco-related health care costs in U.S.

Seven million+: Annual tobacco-related deaths worldwide

$1.4 trillion (USD): Annual economic costs from smoking worldwide

One billion: Worldwide deaths from tobacco this century unless urgent action is taken

  • U.S. Initiatives

    Despite enormous progress, tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It kills more than 480,000 Americans and costs the nation $241.4 billion in health care expenses each year. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids works at the national, state and local levels to put in place proven solutions that reduce tobacco use and save lives.

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  • Global Initiatives

    Without strong action now, tobacco will kill one billion people worldwide this century. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids works in low and middle-income countries — where over 80 percent of the world’s smokers live — to support the adoption and implementation of proven measures to reduce tobacco use. We are a partner in the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use and also receive support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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  • Industry Watch

    Tobacco’s terrible toll is no accident. It is caused directly by the tobacco industry’s harmful and even illegal practices. We expose and counter the industry’s efforts to target kids and other vulnerable populations, deceive the public and fight life-saving policies across the globe.

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  • Youth Initiatives

    Most smokers begin this deadly addiction as kids, so youth are critical and powerful voices in the fight against tobacco. Our Youth Initiatives train and mobilize young leaders to create the first tobacco-free generation.

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  • Global Health
    Advocacy Incubator

    Our Global Health Advocacy Incubator advances public health policies to build a healthier and safer world. Drawing on decades of international experience working in diverse political systems, with global civil society organizations and across a variety of public health issues, we provide strategic support to advocates campaigning to enact and implement laws that address public health challenges and save lives.

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  • Annual Reports

    The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is a leading force in the fight to reduce tobacco use and its deadly toll in the United States and around the world. Our Annual Reports summarize our progress and tell our supporters how their contributions are helping us succeed.

    View our Annual Report for 2022